Chantelle Adams | Courage to Shine

5 Ways to Profit From Speaking

5 Ways to Profit From Speaking

5 Ways to Profit from Speaking

As many of you know, I have been speaking since I was young and professionally (getting paid;)) speaking for the last 4 years and have delivered over 700 presentations in that time frame!

I will do the Math for you… yes, that is a crazy 175 speaking gigs/year on average!

I have learned a lot and one thing that I have come to really understand is how to profit from speaking because for years that was my sole income!

As you may know, public speaking is the #1 fear, next to death and to some it even surpasses death on the fear scale! PS: I will be writing a blog post all about overcoming the fear of speaking… so stay tuned! But, I want you to know that speaking takes courage and being vulnerable but it also can be one of the best marketing tools for your business and additional income stream that could easily add tens of thousands and more to your income!

So without further ado… here is the video where I show you 5 ways you can profit from speaking!

Take some notes and make sure to comment below what YOU are going to do to add speaking to your business now… even before you feel ready, even when it scares you… because you know that it is time to get your brave on and get your message out in a bigger way to the world so you can start making a difference in others lives and to your bottom line!

PS: If you are ready NOW to add Speaker and Author to your list of credentials then find out how you can do that and MORE in just 10 weeks with my ‘sold out every time’ Centre Stage Program!