Chantelle Adams | Courage to Shine

Believe in Your 10k Launch

Believe in Your 10k Launch


Believe In Your 10k Launch

You might have doubts about whether you’re ready for a launch that brings in $10K+, but I can tell you from experience that you’ve got this! My very first course was launched to a small list of 200 people, yet I was able to generate over $10000. Woo hoo!

How did I bring in an impressive $10k revenue for my online training program?

Here are a few tips:

  •  Survey potential clients – what are they asking for and what is the interest they have in your idea? (Try using a Facebook group for feedback!)
  • Make sure that you are focusing on YOUR skills when you develop your program idea – what are you really good at doing that you could teach or that people ask you about all the time?
  • Beta test your program – it could be free or a low-cost investment. Just make sure your content is there, no need for all the bells and whistsles, but be sure to get them results…and then collect testimonials for social proof!
  • Work your numbers! What should you charge and how many customers do you need to buy in order to reach that $10k goal.


Watch the video training for examples and strategies on how you can use those 7 tips and create a $100k+ launch.

{Can’t see the embedded video at the top? Click here to watch.}


Now I want to hear from you! Share in the comments below:

Get clear on how you will reach your goal then share your idea and numbers that will make your $10k launch a reality!





If you’d like more training on speaking like a pro,  click here to grab my free video training series: Speak Your Way to the Top!