Chantelle Adams | Courage to Shine

Brand Story Blueprint

Brand Story Blueprint


Your Brand Story is The Foundation of Your Business! 

I love helping entrepreneurs craft their brand story because it really is the foundation of your business, it helps you gain clarity on who you are speaking to, where they are at emotionally so you can truly speak to them, what you are meant to be speaking about and teaching through products and programs.

From your story you gain confidence because you know your message matters and it isn’t just about YOU it is about your ONE!

I have a simple yet powerful blueprint that I want to share it with you – it’s 6 easy steps to outline a powerful Brand Story so that your unique brand and personality stand out, gets you booked to speak, and helps you create products and services that are totally in alignment!


The Story Blueprint:

  1. Where you are now: you want to give them a glimpse into where you are now because that is often where they want to be, it builds credibility and shows that you are the expert and know what you are talking about. But don’t take long to share this, just a small glimpse!
  2. Breakdown Moment: when was the moment where it truly was your breakdown that lead you to your breakthrough which ultimately lead you to the work you are doing today? This is the rockbottom moment that then lead you to turning your life around. It could be a loss, a realization, a moment where you said enough is enough!
  3. Breakthrough Moment: This is often something simple, not always a huge tragic moment though it can be. Often it is something someone said that just finally clicked with you and helped you change paths or an article you read that just hit it home for you and you knew what you needed to do. This is the moment where you made a lasting change, a decision that has made all the difference.
  4. Lessons Learned: Your story is yours but it is shared for others so within your story you want to find the lessons and share them, what you did or learned a long the way and through this breakdown and breakthrough moment that lead you to the work you now do. These lessons will become main points in your speech or modules in your program or you signature system when coaching.
  5. Your Why: Sharing a why for the work you now do at the end of your story is a powerful way to transition from your story into the message or into the rest of your work and it also shows others the depth of your character and the truths and driving force behind the work you do.
  6. Turn it back to them: Always remember to turn your story back to your audience whether that is a live or virtual audience, spoken or written, you want to be sure you apply it to those who are reading or listening so they can see the truths you shared in their own lives.


There you have the story blueprint! It is AMAZING that when you get clear on your story, you get clear on everything else in your business! Use the 6 steps to create your own powerful Brand Story.

PS. I do LIVE story sessions and break down the story formula into bite-sized actionable tips each day during the Speak Your Way To The Top challenge! Join me and hundreds of other amazing women looking ready to share their voice to make a bigger impact, and discover the art of “storyselling”  here.


Now I want to hear from you! Share in the comments below:

Share how you are going to implement the 6 step Brand Story Blueprint! Let me know what you come up with!

