How to Get a HECK YEAH Every Time You Pitch Someone to Speak
When I first started in the speaking industry I was learning from a ‘guru’ and he said that we would need to send out 100 cold emails to get 1 single response back, not even a YES but a response and I knew there was NO WAY I was going to send out 100 cold emails every week to get 1 response. So I decided there had to be a better way to get booked and I found it!
1 – Give first
2 – Do your research
3 – Make a connection
4 – Make it personal
5 – Show gratitude
6 – Make a short intro (Use your SWEET introduction!)
7 – The Why
8 – What is in it for them?
9 – Show more gratitude
I’m challenging you to reach out to 1 place to speak, and share it in the comments below! Then come back and let us know how it went! You’ll never know what’s possible unless you have the courage to ask!
If you’d like more training on speaking like a pro, click here to grab my free training Speak Your Way to the Top!